Termite Damage
5/23/2024 (Permalink)
Termite infestation can do extensive damage to the inside of walls and floors—often without detection. Since termites eat wood from the inside out, you probably won't find them until your home is infested, and you're more likely to see signs of damage than the bugs themselves. Look for:
- Sawdust or sand-like material near windows and door frames, which could be droppings of dry wood termites. You may also notice tiny holes where sawdust has accumulated.
- Mud tubes are structures that subterranean termites build to connect the nest to the source of wood. Check outdoors and indoors at the base of your home where the frame connects to the foundation and scan your crawlspace or basement if you have one, for the brown, branching structures. They can also hang from joists, so check the floor beams as well.
- Look for accumulations of dry fecal pellets left behind by drywood termites.
- Shed wings from the swarmer termites or the bugs themselves can often be found near windows or windowsills. Swarmers are attracted to light so check under outdoor fixtures.
- Does wood framing sound hollow when you tap it? You might have termites.
- Do you have wood that looks water-damaged but it hasn't been exposed to water? You might have termites.
- If your painted or varnished wood or drywall is blistering, you might have termites.
- If you notice damage across the wood grain, you might have termites